Effective, classroom management is a critical part of any learning environment but it is essential in the early learning classroom to maximize shared and individual learning opportunities. In this section, pay special attention to how Martha Mancera, the Kindergarten teacher, uses visual and verbal cuing to support students transitioning to different Learning Centers. (Framework for Teaching Cluster 3-Classroom Management: Components 2c/2d/2e)
- The Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument, 2013 Edition
- The Framework for Teaching: Six Clusters Supporting High Level Learning, 2017 Edition
- Framework Cluster 1: Clarity of Instructional Purpose and Accuracy of Content “Quick Notes” Observation Tool
- Framework Cluster 2: Safe, Respectful, Supportive, and Challenging Learning Environment & Cluster 3: Classroom Management “Quick Notes” Observation Tool
- Framework Cluster 4: Student Intellectual Engagement & Cluster 5: Successful Learning for ALL “Quick Notes” Observation Tool
- Framework Cluster 6: Professionalism “Quick Notes” Observation Tool
- Early Learning Planning Conversation Protocol
- Early Learning Reflection Conversation Protocol
- Full Day Kindergarten Dual Language Curriculum Alignment Plan
- Ms Martha's Lesson Plans