Instructional Leadership Toolkit
Coming Soon! This summer, project staff will begin compiling resources guides that instructional leaders can use with their teaching teams and support personnel to improve professional practices for student emotional, social and cognitive learning . These guides will help leaders use the resources and videos on this website to go deep into the professional learning process. The guides will cover topics that can include:
- Zooming in on Student Intellectual Engagement
- What Works in Dual Language Learning Classrooms
- Soft Engagement in Early Learning: Culture and Management
- Successful Learning for ALL through Day-to-Day Data Collection
- And many more…
And, the guides will contain the following resources:
- Instructional Guidebooks
- PowerPoints with Facilitator Guides
- Additional Resources/Strategies
Teaching and Leading Resources
Teacher Observation Tools & Crosswalks for Early Childhood Educators
Danielson FfT and CLASS Crosswalk
Crosswalk of Danielson FfT, NBPTS, NAEYC and PA Core Competencies
Chicago Public Schools Framework for Teaching Companion Guide Preschool Addendum
New Jersey Teacher Evaluation Support Document: PreK & K
Pennsylvania Early Childhood Examples for the Danielson FfT
Illinois Danielson Framework with Early Learning Examples
Early Childhood Program Quality Tools
Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS) Resource Guide
Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) National Learning Network
ExceleRate Illinois (Illinois QRIS system)
Meeting the Needs of Students with Disabilities or At Risk for Developmental Delays
Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center: Children with Disabilities
Classroom Instruction & Play-Based Learning
Illinois Early Learning Project
TC Reading and Writing Project (video collection)
Collaboration for Early Childhood (Oak Park and River Forest, IL)
P-3 Leadership
Supporting Principals Using Teacher Effectiveness Data (Center on Great Teachers & Leaders)
National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) PreK-3 Leadership Resources
Dual Language Learners
Dual Language Learners (National Association for the Education of Young Children—NAEYC)
Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center: Dual Language Learners
Classroom Assessment
Teaching Preschoolers to Self-Assess Their Choices in PreK (Warash & Workman, 2016)
Early Childhood Assessment (Department of Early Education and Care—WGBH Educational Foundation)
Trauma-Sensitive Classrooms