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Teaching And Leading Toolbox

This is the spot where you can find resources to fill your toolkit as early learning teachers, teacher leaders/coaches, and administrators! Go deeper as educators and leaders with LOTS of early learning resources, hot topic supports, and the latest research. A highlight of The Toolkit is the “just in time” blog that is updated regularly, so check back often!


PK3TeachLeadGrow.org Blog

Each month, PK3TeachLeadGrow.org will provide a timely, concise, early learning “hot topic” blog that contains key information, resources and supports that early learning educators can use individually or collaboratively TOMORROW to enhance their own learning as well as their students!

This Month’s Focus: Unwrapping Gifts of Culturally Responsive Teaching in the Early Learning Classroom

December is often seen as a time of “Ho! Ho! Ho! Happiness” in early learning that includes stories, activities, treats and even gift-giving.  One of the BIGGEST and ENDURING gifts that early learning educators can give their learners (and families) is to commit to culturally responsive teaching as a daily practice! Zaretta Hammond, author of Culturally Responsive Teaching & The Brain defines culturally responsive teaching as, “An educator’s ability to recognize students’ cultural display of learning and meaning making and respond positively and constructively with teaching moves that use cultural knowledge as a scaffold to connect what the student knows to new concepts and content in order to promote effective information processing. All the while, the educator understands the importance of being in a relationship and having a social-emotional connection to the student in order to create a safe space for learning.” (p. 15)

Past PK3TeachLeadGrow.org Blogs:

November: Strengthening Family Learning Partnerships at Conferences and Beyond

Parent-Teacher Conferences are just around the corner! Although the ability of families to participate in their child’s learning at school varies widely, it is a KEY RESPONSIBILITY in early learning for educators to provide opportunities for families to understand both the instructional program and their child’s progress. There are many ways to do this so come take a look and gather some tools for enhancing your communication and connections with families!

October: Teaching Clarity with Our Youngest Learners 

As the new school year moves into full learning swing, there IS SO MUCH that we want our students to learn. Teachers being very clear in their planning and delivery of learning concepts regarding what we want our children to understand and what we want our students to be able to do OR having TEACHING CLARITY is essential.

September: “What Does Developmentally Appropriate Practice Look-n-Sound Like “In Action”? Great Question!

As early learning educators, leaders, and families, we should ALL want to know the answer to, “What is MOST important to focus on in Early Learning (Ages 3 to 6)?”  In Early Learning it is all about DAP or Developmentally Appropriate Practice! Come and consider the three priorities and six principles of DAP “in action” with a special connection to The Framework for Teaching through an early learning lens!

August: Rolling Out the WELCOME MAT to EC Families

One of the first and most important messages that we can share with our Early Learning Families and Students is one of “Welcome”!  There are many ways to “roll out the welcome mat” to build those first positive interactions and learning moments. Take a look and find what is “just right” for you !

Early Learning Teaching Toolkit

Classroom Assessment

Teaching Preschoolers to Self-Assess Their Choices in PreK (Warash & Workman, 2016)

Early Childhood Assessment (Department of Early Education and Care—WGBH Educational Foundation) 

Classroom Instruction & Play-Based Learning

Illinois Early Learning Project

TC Reading and Writing Project (video collection)

Developmentally Appropriate Practice (National Association for the Education of Young Children—NAEYC)

Developmentally Appropriate Practices Training (B-3 Continuity Project, Center for the Study of Education Policy, Illinois State University) 

US Play Coalition

Collaboration for Early Childhood (Oak Park and River Forest, IL) 

Dual Language Learners

Dual Language Learners (National Association for the Education of Young Children—NAEYC) 

Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center: Dual Language Learners

Meeting the Needs of Students with Disabilities or At Risk for Developmental Delays

DEC Recommended Practices Webpage (Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children—for students at risk of developmental delays or learning disabiities)

Local District Preschool Inclusion Self-Assessment (The Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems) 

Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center: Children with Disabilities 

Trauma-Sensitive Classrooms

Helping Traumatized Students Learn

Early Learning Leadership Toolkit

COMING SOON!  Early Learning Administrator Academy Modules focused on…

  • Observing and Supporting Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP) in the Early Learning Classrooms – Administrative Academy Approval Pending
  • Using Early Learning Data to Improve Student Outcomes – Administrative Academy Approval Pending

P-3 Leadership

National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) PreK-3 Leadership Resources

Teacher Observation Tools & Crosswalks for Early Childhood Educators

Danielson FfT and CLASS Crosswalk

Crosswalk with FfT and Early Childhood Teacher and Practice Standards

Chicago Public Schools Framework for Teaching Companion Guide Preschool Addendum

Illinois Danielson Framework with Early Learning Examples