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Lisa Hood, PhD

Lisa Hood, PhD is the Director of Research & Evaluation for the Lead Hubs at Regional Office of Education #17. Prior to that, she was a Senior Policy Analyst and Researcher in the Center for the Study of Education Policy (CSEP) at Illinois State University. Dr. Hood brings her expertise in research and evaluation to develop policies, practices, and resources to inform P-12 school leadership preparation and development. She is the evaluation director for two U.S. Department of Education grants that develop organizational school leaders who lead school improvement. Dr. Hood is the evaluator for two Illinois Principal Recruitment Programs in the Lead Hubs and for the District Transformation program funded by the Stone Foundation.  She serves on the P-20 Council Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Subcommittee. Hood co-authored the book Reforming Principal Preparation at the State Level: Perspectives on Policy Reform in Illinois (2019), which provides the history of the award-winning partnerships and strategies stakeholders used to redesign preparation program standards and regulations for Illinois. Extending the leadership focus into early childhood education, Dr. Hood has led research focused on the preparation and professional learning experiences of PreK-3 leaders to improve their knowledge and skills in PreK-3rd grade classrooms. Dr. Hood developed the PK3 Teach Lead Grow website from this research, which contains a video clearinghouse and research-based resources for Pre-K – 3rd Grade teachers and leaders. Dr. Hood serves on the Birth to Five Illinois Action Council for Region 17, which advocates for policies to improve early childhood care and education systems. Dr. Hood earned her Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the Educational Psychology department, specializing in qualitative and program evaluation research methodologies.

Pamela Rosa, EdD

Dr. Pamela Rosa, as the president of Rosa Educational Consulting, provides a wide range of intellectually engaging AND high-energy teaching, mentoring-coaching, and leadership learning opportunities. Pam has served as an award-winning principal, district curriculum and professional development coordinator, state school improvement consultant, director of early learning center, and a teacher/instructional coach at all grade levels. In her role as Director for Effective Teaching Practices at a non-profit “think tank”, Pam focused on increasing teaching effectiveness through collaborative partnerships between union and administrative leadership. As a charter member of the Danielson Group, Pam has provided extensive educational support in designing and implementing The Framework for Teaching evaluation and professional growth processes, integrating enhanced Mentoring and Coaching approaches, facilitating collaborative learning-focused conversations, and guiding the implementation of District/School Improvement structures using SMART tools and processes. Pam’s early learning research collaborative efforts with the Illinois Regional Office of Education 17 include validation of The Framework for Teaching in early learning grades (PreK-3rd Grade), development of Early Learning Website for Teachers and Leaders: https://pk3teachleadgrow.org/, and launching four Early Learning Leadership Micro-Credentials that are also available for Illinois Administrator Academy credit.

Past Early Childhood Video Advisory Group Members:

  • Cathy Main, University of Illinois, Chicago, College of Education
  • Kris Pennington, McLean County Unit #5 School District, Brigham Early Learning Center
  • Antoinette Taylor, Exceptional Needs Consultant
  • Karen McCarthy, Illinois State Board of Education, Early Childhood Division
  • Bernadette Laumann, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois Early Learning Project
  • Jac McBride, STAR NET Region II
  • Nancy Kind, STAR NET Region II
  • Courtney Hresja, The McCormick Foundation
  • Debra Pacciano, The Ounce of Prevention
  • Marsha Hawley, Lead Learn Excel, The Ounce of Prevention
  • Arlin Peebles, Illinois Principals Association
  • Zipporah Hightower, Chicago Public Schools, Office of Principal Quality
  • Denise Welter, Midwest Principals Association
  • Jill Donnel, Illinois State University, School of Teaching and Learning
  • Cindy Berrey, The Illinois Resource Center, Center for Early Childhood Professional Development
  • Rich Voltz, Illinois Association of School Administrators
  • Lauri Morrison Frichtl, Illinois Head Start Association
  • Joni Scritchlow, Illinois Network for Child Care Referral Networks
  • Shannon Becker, Illinois State Board of Education, Educator Effectiveness Division
  • Lynette Mehall, Illinois State University, Education Administration and Foundation
  • Kelli Appel, Illinois State University, Special Education
  • Jaclyn Vasquez, The Erikson Institute
  • Emily Simon, Chicago Public Schools, Office of Early Childhood Education
  • Peggy Ondera, Unit School District #46
  • Karen Smith, Unit School District #46
  • Sandra Warner, West Chicago District #33, Early Learning Center
  • Carmen Bergmann, McLean County Unit #5 School District
  • Fakelia Guyton, DuPage Early Childhood Collaboration
  • Jack Barshinger, Aurora University, Education Administration
  • Wilma Valero
  • Kali Goldberg, Round Lake School District #116
  • Sharon Frys, Regional Office of Education DuPage County
  • Darlene Ruscitti, Regional Office of Education Dupage County