In this video, you will see Zahidee Marcano, the Kindergarten teacher, and Karen Smith, the Kindergarten Coach, discuss the work that Zahidee is doing in the area of professionalism. Charlotte Danielson’s focuses on professionalism in this way, “Expert teachers demonstrate professionalism in service both to students and to the profession…as [teachers] gain experience and expertise, educators find ways to contribute to their colleagues and to the profession.” (Framework Cluster 6: Professionalism 4d/4e/4f). Together these educators will explore how Zahidee co-plans with her fellow kindergarten teacher on a weekly basis. Zahidee also connects on how she has works with Kindergarten colleagues across the district individually and through the monthly district Kindergarten Cafe to grow collaborative professional learning. She is also a district model classroom for ELL play-based, Kindergarten for the district (Framework Cluster 6: The teacher takes a leadership role in finding opportunities for continued professional development and in contributing to professional organizations; Distinguished).
- The Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument, 2013 Edition
- The Framework for Teaching: Six Clusters Supporting High Level Learning, 2017 Edition
- Framework Cluster 1: Clarity of Instructional Purpose and Accuracy of Content “Quick Notes” Observation Tool
- Framework Cluster 2: Safe, Respectful, Supportive, and Challenging Learning Environment & Cluster 3: Classroom Management “Quick Notes” Observation Tool
- Framework Cluster 4: Student Intellectual Engagement & Cluster 5: Successful Learning for ALL “Quick Notes” Observation Tool
- Framework Cluster 6: Professionalism “Quick Notes” Observation Tool
- Early Learning Planning Conversation Protocol
- Early Learning Reflection Conversation Protocol
- Full Day Kindergarten Dual Language Curriculum Alignment Plan
- Student Explains Her Journal Writing (Mini-Video)
- Student Models "Productive Struggle" in Math Literacy Station (Mini-Video)
- Students explain the Work in Sealife Literacy Center (Mini-Video)