In “Zahidee’s Culture ”, Zahidee Marcano, the Kindergarten teacher, uses her knowledge of the students’ individual reading ability and interests to support book check-in/check-out. (Framework for Teaching Cluster 2-Safe, Respectful, Supportive, and Challenging Learning Environment: Components 2a/2b)
- The Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument, 2013 Edition
- The Framework for Teaching: Six Clusters Supporting High Level Learning, 2017 Edition
- Framework Cluster 1: Clarity of Instructional Purpose and Accuracy of Content “Quick Notes” Observation Tool
- Framework Cluster 2: Safe, Respectful, Supportive, and Challenging Learning Environment & Cluster 3: Classroom Management “Quick Notes” Observation Tool
- Framework Cluster 4: Student Intellectual Engagement & Cluster 5: Successful Learning for ALL “Quick Notes” Observation Tool
- Framework Cluster 6: Professionalism “Quick Notes” Observation Tool
- Early Learning Planning Conversation Protocol
- Early Learning Reflection Conversation Protocol
- Full Day Kindergarten Dual Language Curriculum Alignment Plan
- Student Explains Her Journal Writing (Mini-Video)
- Student Models "Productive Struggle" in Math Literacy Station (Mini-Video)
- Students explain the Work in Sealife Literacy Center (Mini-Video)